If you're an avid user of Reddit and Twitter, then you've probably noticed that the 12-letter version of the letters on the keyboard is "P" and not "D". Luckily, there's a workaround: /api/618PDFFreedownload. With it, we were able to provide an alternate PDF file for those who prefer their files with numerals in them rather than characters. This article will outline how to access our API and download your results! # The API URL: https://www.reddit. com/r/pics/comments/api_618PDFFreedownload/?limit=1000 Let's go back to Reddit for a moment, https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/. Now, let's find a recent link that has pictures in it. We want something that doesn't have many comments in it - this way when we click on the comments, we go straight to the link rather than needing to load the comments page. We found this photo of motorcycles over on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/87vm0m/_a_photo_by_myguyvirmani/. It's got an interesting-looking picture, so let's take that link and add it to our URL - https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/87vm0m/_a_photo_by_myguyvirmani/?limit=1000 Now we see the comments! Scrolling down the page, we find this comment by Reddit user /u/hansamk: https://www.reddit. com/r/pics/comments/87vm0m/_a_photo_by_myguyvirmani/?limit=1000#comment-1639430371 The link to the photo is at the bottom of the comment, so let's take that and add it to our URL - https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/87vm0m/_a_photo_by_myguyvirmani/?limit=1000#comment-1639430371 The photo page loads! It's awesome! We love motorcycles! But, notice something odd about this particular picture - There are 552 comments on it. That's a lot of comments! We want to focus on the picture, not the discussion about the picture! It'll make our job a lot easier. Now, let's add /?limit=1000 to the end of this URL - https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/87vm0m/_a_photo_by_myguyvirmani/?limit=1000#comment-1639430371 Great! Now it only has one picture and fifty-two comments on it! But...there's a problem. The actual image file itself is located at: https://www.redditmedia. 8eeb4e9f32 21
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